
  • 姓名:孙士国
  • 职称:副教授
  • 研究领域:-传粉生态学-进化植物学-入侵生态学
  • 联系方式:sgsun(AT)mail.ccnu.edu.cn
  • 办公室地址:206
  • 更多信息:


2000.9-2005.7武汉大学 生命科学学院植物系统学与进化生物学研究室 博士学位

1995.9-1999.7烟台师范大学(现鲁东大学)生物系 学士学位


2014.7-至今 华中师范大学生命科学学院 副教授


2005.7-2008.10复旦大学生命科学学院 博士后






1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31770252):外来植物入侵对土著植物繁殖成功及表型分化的影响,2018-2021,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目(31760061):探讨隐秘花朵的适应意义:以粗丝蜘蛛抱蛋和长瓣蜘蛛抱蛋为例,2018-2020,参与。

3. 国家科技部科技基础资源调查专项(2017FY100101):“滇-藏”地区极小种群野生植物调查与种质采集”项目子课题,2017-2021,主持。


5.上海教委科研创新基金(14YZ067):外来生物入侵对上海本地植物传粉网络结构的影响, 2013-2014,主持。





1. SunSG, Huang ZH, Chen ZB,HuangSQ*. (2017) Nectar properties and the role of sunbirds as pollinators of the golden-flowered tea (Camellia petelotii).American Journal of Botanydoi:10.3732/ajb.1600428.  

2. SunSG, W. Scott Armbruster, Shuang-Quan Huang*.(2016).Geographic consistency and variation in conflicting selection generated by pollinators and seed predators.Annals of Botany118: 227-237.

3. Huang SQ, Wang XP,Sun SG. (2016).Are long corolla tubes inPedicularisdriven by pollinator selection?Journal of Integrative Plant Biology58: 698-700.

4. Wang XP, Yu WB,Sun SG, Huang SQ. (2016).Pollen size strongly correlates with stigma depth amongPedicularisspecies.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology58: 818-821.

5. Sun SG,Huang SQ*. (2015).Rainwater in cupulate bracts repels seed herbivores in a bumblebee-pollinated alpine flower.AoB PLANTSdoi: 10.1093/aobpla/plv019.

6. Sun SG*, Huang SQ, Guo YH.(2013). Pollinator shift to managed honeybees enhances reproductive output in a bumblebee-pollinated plant.Plant Systematics and Evolution299: 139-150.

7. Sun SG*, & Yao CY.(2013). Down-slope facing flowers increase seed set in an alpine lily.Journal of Systematics and Evolution51: 405-412.

8. Sun SG, Benjamin MR, Bo Li.(2013). Contrasting effects of plant invasion on pollination of two native plants with similar morphologies.Biological Invasions15:2165-2177.  

9. Xia J,Sun SG, Liu GH.(2013). Evidence of a component Allee effect driven by predispersal seed predation in a plant (Pedicularis rex, Orobanchaceae).Biology Lettersdoi:10.1098/rsbl.2013.0387  

10.Zhao S,Sun SG, Guo Y, Chen J, Wang Q.(2012). Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci from the invasive plant Solidago canadensis (Asteraceae).Genetics and Molecular Research11: 421-424.  

11.Weber E,Sun SG, Li B.(2008). Invasive alien plants in China: ecological insights and biogeographical patterns.Biological Invasions10: 1411-1429.

12.Xia J,Sun SG, Guo YH.(2007). Honeybees enhance reproduction without affecting theoutcrossing rate in the endemicPedicularis densispica(Orobanchaceae).Plant Biology9:713-719.

13.Sun SG, Lu Y, Huang SQ.(2006). Floral phenology and sex expression in functionally monoeciousRhoiptelea chiliantha(Rhoipteleaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society152: 145-151.

14.Sun SG,Guo YH, Gituru RW, Huang SQ. (2005). Corolla wilting facilitates delayed autonomous self-pollination inPedicularis dunniana(Orobanchaceae).Plant Systematics and Evoluiton251: 229-237.

15.Sun SG, Liao K, Xia J, Guo YH. (2005). Floral colour change in Pedicularis monbeigiana.Plant Systematics and Evolution255: 77-85.

16.Yang CF,Sun SG,Guo YH.(2005). Resource limitation and pollen source (self and outcross) affectingseed production in two louseworts,Pedicularis siphonanthaand P. longiflora(Orobanchaceae).Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society147: 83-89.

17.Huang SQ,Sun SG, Takahashi Y, Guo YH.(2002). Gender variation of sequential inflorescences in a monoecious plantSagittaria trifolia(Alismataceae).Annals of Botany90: 613-622.

18.Yang CF, Guo YH, Gituru RW,Sun SG.(2002). Variation in stigma morphology-How does it contribute to pollination adaptation inPedicularis(Orobanchaceae)?Plant Systematics and Evoluiton236: 89-98.